
Lobotomy steam download free
Lobotomy steam download free

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After that, order the employee who is best suited for the job to work on the Abnormality, and wait for the results. Let your intuition pick the work type that might suit the Abnormality best. At first, your eyes, ears, and the in-game manual will be your only hints. You start with zero information on the Abnormalities. However, you must learn what types of work you should and shouldn’t perform via trial and error. You will have to try your best to keep your employees out of danger while extracting as much energy as possible from the Abnormalities. We dubbed the creatures that reside in Lobotomy Corporation, ‘Abnormalities’. The more departments you have unlocked, the more efficient the management of Abnormalities will become.įurthermore, AIs such as Angela and the ‘Sephirot’ will be at your side to provide all the assistance you need for smooth progression.īeings that you must constantly research and observe. You will have access to various departments as you harness more energy.

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consists of several departments, much like any other company. Join the corporation, and witness the true reality with your own eyes. Lobotomy Corporation is a newly established energy company that isolates Abnormalities and extracts an infinite amount of energy from them by using independently developed technology, or so it seems on the outside. “Our new technology will bring salvation to humanity.” In this game, the player will face an ever-present sense of tension and dread as they progress through each day. Gather energy produced by the monsters and fulfill the quota each day, expand the facility, and manage even more strange beings. Order your employees to perform work with and on the creatures and watch the results expectantly. You will be playing as the Manager of Lobotomy Corporation, a company in which such creatures are contained and managed. Going further, it was developed with this thought: “What if those monsters were real, and your job were to manage them?” Our game was inspired by the monsters birthed of various inspirations featured in games, film, and series, such as the SCP Foundation, Cabin in the Woods, and Warehouse 13. Lobotomy Corporation is a roguelite monster-management simulation. “I give you a warm welcome to Lobotomy Corporation.”

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One disaster will lead to another, until everything has fallen into chaos. Order your employees to perform work with the creatures and watch as it unfolds harness greater energy, and expand the facility. A roguelite monster-management simulation inspired by the likes of the SCP Foundation, Cabin in the Woods, and Warehouse 13. Monsters beyond your imagination, and you: The Manager. About This Game Monsters beyond your imagination, and you: The Manager.Monsters beyond your imagination, and you: The Manager.

Lobotomy steam download free